Code Node
The Code Node allows you to build and execute custom Python functions.
Use the Code node instead of the function calling code block in LLM Tools if you want a more deterministic pipeline (In function calling your LLM will reason to determine if it makes sense to call the function).
Important Notes
- Function must be called
- Only a single root function is allow
- Nested Functions are allowed
does not take any arguements
- Only a single root function is allow
- Output from Code Node will be stored as CODE_id
- a return statement is required to output from the code node
return output
- Outputs from previous nodes or variables can be passed in using standard variable naming convention
Allowed functionality with Code Node:
- Built-In Python Functions
int, str, isinstance, range, len, type, sum, round, ord, float, abs, min, max, all, any, sorted, enumerate, zip, filter, map, reversed, chr, divmod, pow, bin, hex, and oct
- Supported Packages
json, requests, datetime, time, re, hashlib, bs4, typing, contextlib, decimal
NOTE: in order to use these packages, you will need to import them into your code at the top