

Choose your Vector Database and corresponding RAG metrics

RAG metrics include the embedding model, Vector Space, Similarity Metric, and metadata values to be included


Connect your Data Sources and click submit

Once Complete the OCE will build all the infrastructure you will need to leverage this RAG pipeline within Onyx


The RAG node will be responsible for Embedding incoming queries and performing simalirty search to retrieve relevant documenation. This can be passed to an LLM node for further processing/inference.


Choose your Knowledge Base

From the dropdown select the appropriate KB


Input Query

This can be paramaterized (for example if you want to pass in a query from your front end:)

  1. Denote Variable: < ?input_query? >
  2. Input Query will be embedded and semantic search will take place
  3. Relevant documents returned

Pass to LLM Node

Pipe doc information to LLM node (ensure you are reffering the RAG Node ID: < ?rag_node_id? >)

Rag Implementation